Four Ways to Find Out if an Insurance Panel is Closed in Your Area - Part 2 of 4

Jan 30, 2019

Welcome back to the second part of our series on determining if an insurance panel is closed in your area. In the previous section, we discussed the concept of closed network insurance and how it impacts providers. In this segment, we will delve deeper into specific methods that can help you identify closed panels efficiently.

Method 1: Direct Contact with Insurance Companies

One effective way to confirm if a particular insurance panel is closed is by reaching out to the insurance companies directly. You can either call their provider services department or check their online provider directories. Look for any notes or indications that suggest the panel is closed to new providers. This direct approach can provide you with accurate and current information regarding panel status.

Method 2: Professional Networking

Networking with other healthcare providers in your area can be invaluable when trying to determine if an insurance panel is closed. Colleagues who are currently on the panel or have tried to join in the past can provide firsthand insights. Attend local medical events, conferences, or join online forums specific to your specialty to connect with peers who may have relevant information.

Method 3: Utilizing Online Resources

The internet offers a wealth of resources to help you navigate the world of closed panels. Visit professional association websites, blogs, or forums related to your field. Some websites specialize in monitoring insurance panels and provide updates on their status. Additionally, social media platforms can serve as valuable sources of information through community discussions and shared experiences.

Method 4: Consulting with Credentialing Experts

When in doubt, seek assistance from credentialing experts or consultants who specialize in insurance panel enrollment. These professionals have extensive experience working with various insurance companies and can offer guidance on navigating closed networks. By leveraging their expertise, you can streamline the process of identifying closed panels and exploring alternative options.

Understanding Closed Network Insurance and Closed Panels

Closed network insurance refers to health insurance plans that limit the choice of healthcare providers available to their members. In a closed network, patients are typically required to visit providers within the network to receive coverage for treatment. Closed panels, on the other hand, indicate that a specific insurance panel is not accepting new providers at a given time.

Being aware of closed panels is crucial for healthcare providers seeking to expand their practice and reach a broader patient base. By staying informed and utilizing the methods outlined above, you can navigate the complexities of closed networks and make informed decisions regarding panel participation.


In conclusion, identifying closed panels in your area is a critical step in managing your insurance panel participation effectively. By employing a combination of direct contact, professional networking, online resources, and expert guidance, you can stay informed and proactive in your approach to panel enrollment. Stay tuned for the next installment in our series, where we will explore strategies for addressing closed panels and optimizing your insurance network participation.